Friday, September 05, 2008

Look What Gustav Did?

Sailboat "Moored" on the
Seawall on Highway 90
in Long Beach, MS

Another angle!

The Memorial Pier took another battering from the winds of Gustav!

Since Labor Day afternoon we have heard tales of the sailboat that Hurricane Gustav deposited near Highway 90 in Long Beach. Once the debris and sand were cleared from the road I decided to make the short drive for some pictures. At first wild stories circulated that the sailboat was in the parking lot of the Waffle House just across the street. I have to admit I was disappointed when I pulled into the Waffle House lot and discovered that the boat was resting on the seawall on the beach-side of the Highway 90. It is hard to tell from the picture but there is an orange safety cone in the right-eastbound lane because part of the boat's hull is hanging over the sea wall. It makes quiet a picture!

The bottom picture shows the Memorial Pier which was horribly battered in Hurricane Katrina. But, I can tell that further damage was done to what remains by Gustav. Every available horizontal surface was covered with seagulls, terns and pelicans. I hope to get some better pictures on Saturday morning!

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