Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Mississippi Delta Town Remembers 911!

The raising of the American flag at the intersection of Highway 8 & Highway 61.

Fully Raised.

All traffic blocked for a time of silence!

High School On-Lookers.

My daughter, intrepid girl reporter, went straight to this intersection this morning to take pictures of the 911 Memorial Observance. All across the United States, in small hamlets, little towns, and big cities, moments of silence will be observed and other gestures will mark this anniversary, this opportunity to remember our citizens who were lost on September 11, 2001. As a reporter, my daughter thought she would just be capturing some images of the morning so she could meet her deadline. She was unprepared for the welling of emotions that took place within her as she saw police, fire personnel and EMS drivers close off this intersection and raise the stars and stripes. Just typing the words I have to fight back the tears. I pray that our hearts are never hardened to the magnitude of this tragedy. May we always be vigilant to protect and defend this country and our freedom!

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