Thursday, October 02, 2008


It is official! THE DISHY DOZEN completed the Dish Rag Tag 2008!!!!! Y'all were wonderful and I had more fun than I could ever have imagined. Wendy, you were a great team captain! Thanks for everything you did to keep us on track! And huge thank you goes to Emily for organizing this whole thing. I hope you are willing to do this again next year...can you say DRT, a 3-peat without paying a royalty to someone? I definitely have DRTWS - Dish Rag Tag Withdrawal Syndrome! Hope all you dishy girls keep in touch!!!

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Anonymous said...

That sounds like it was so much fun :) I need to get into a group like that.

ps. this is my new blog address (used to be crafty goodness)

sailorcross said...

WOO HOO!!! Congratulations!!!

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely going to do this next year!!
