Saturday, October 18, 2008

Wearing Steel-Toed Boots!

On my nightstand...
a little light reading?!?

I picked up this book the other day at the local Christian bookstore. I was certainly drawn to the title and when I looked at the table of contents I got my toes stepped on. I guess it served to bring me back to where I need to be. So, this will be my night time reading for a bit. And, ultimately my husband will use it in the class he teaches. Have you read anything lately that spoke to you in the depths of your heart? I will type more about it later...

Other than reading, we are enjoying cooler temperatures and no tropical activity in the Atlantic. As hurricane season winds down that is a good thing!

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1 comment:

sailorcross said...

Whoa!!! This doesn't sound like bedtime reading to me!!

Respectable Sins--Confronting the Sins We Tolerate--I have to say the title just does jump out and grab me!!

Make sure and let me know how this goes. It looks like something I could get into and learn from. That's something I love about God--no matter how much we know (or THINK we know) there is always more to learn--growing deeper and deeper in HIM!!

If you have time, stop by The Power of Your Love and let me know what you think. I finished up my "Quiet Time" today, and I cried through the whole editing of the previous day's post putting in my journaling.
