Thursday, November 13, 2008


Refreshing rain!

I am in the 5th week of a 6 week Bible study and it has been very powerful. The study, "Attending the Bride of Christ, Preparing for His Return," is a very thoughtful comparison of the ancient Jewish wedding traditions and Christ's relationship to the Church. It has been challenging and has given us an opportunity to have great discussion. But more importantly, the study has been refreshing. You know that feeling you get after a rain shower when the grass and flowers are sparkling with raindrops. This study has really encouraged me. Are you studying something special? If not then, please prayerfully consider "Attending the Bride of Christ"!

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1 comment:

sailorcross said...

Hi Sandy!!

Thanks for your birthday wishes!!

We are doing our Fall Campaign--the Sunday worship, Small Group through the week and daily devotion on Ephesians.

This year is called "Grow". Our church did a refocus last year, and the majority of the people really wanted to grow deeper in their spirituality.

It's a 5 week series, and it's really exciting with the entire church doing the same thing, refreshing and discussing through the week with your Small Group, and then daily devotions to cement everything together.

My Small Group has already decided what we're going to do after we finish this series--"The Life You've Always Wanted To Live" by Jon Ortberg.

Your study sounds really interesting and encouraging. I just love learning new things, don't you?