Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Speaking of "tags"...

upon a

My very first time to be tagged! And, it is all Beth's fault! Just kidding! LOL! So here it goes....

Here are the rules of the tag:
1) Link to the person who tagged you (see Beth above).
2) Post the rules on your blog (copy and paste 1-6).
3) Write 6 random things about yourself.
4) Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

So, here are the six random things about myself:

1 - I do not know how to swim...even though there is a pool in my backyard!

2 - I have a fear flying even though I was employed by a major airline as a flight attendant many years ago.

3 - I delivered my son (who will be 21 on Friday, November 28th) all by myself at home (which included doing infant CPR) when he decided to arrive 11 weeks early! (*Details on Friday!)

4 - When I was 7 years old my grandmother taught me how to sew on her prized sewing machine. The following summer my 2 great grandmothers taught me to embroider and to crochet. They all taught me to quilt. A legacy of producing handmade things.

5 - My all time favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I have read it at least a dozen times. A close second would be Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen.

6 - In the "apple doesn't fall far from the tree" category, I call my mother every day and we talk about books and sewing and the latest news. And, my daughter calls me everyday (at least three times & we text all day long) and we talk about the latest news (because she is a reporter and it is her job) and we discuss craft ideas (including sewing, knitting, jewelry-making).

Okay, now comes the hardest part of the tag. I have to come up with 6 people to tag...since I am new to the blog world that might be difficult. I will have to work up my courage to tag!!! LOL!

So,...I am tagging people I would like to know better. I picked ladies I met during the DISH RAG TAG, THE SEQUEL! Here goes nothing:

Kate at Home Is Where My Heart Is

Katherine at Worthy Hooker

Alissa at Yarnlibrarian

Wendy at Slowknitter

De at Morgan's Manor

Tracey at Knit One, Purl Two

Hope you all will join the fun!!!

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1 comment:

sailorcross said...

And a wonderful job you did, too!!

I love all of these, but especially the part about your mom and you being so close, and then this continuing between your daughter and yourself!!

And, of course, the crafting--you know how I love that!!

Do you at least get into that pool to cool off during the hot months--just float around on a raft or wade in it?

Little Women--you need to stop by and check out my Christmas Get to Know Me--I love Little Women--I couldn't tell you how many times I read this book--followed by all the "Little House on the Prairie" series!!

And I must not forget--God was with you during the birth of your son. How frightening that must have been!! And now he is 21 (soon). WOW!!!

Quite the list, Sandy!!

If I don't get back to you before, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

And DRT--excellent idea!!

Sorry for the long comment!!
