Thursday, December 18, 2008

Typical Christmas Weather!

This is our 4th day of foggy, muggy, wet, humid weather. This is Christmas in the South! When I first snapped this picture I thought it looked really dark! After all it is 11:30am and there should be some brightness to the sky. But, after posting the picture and comparing it to the view outside of my window this is a pretty accurate picture. I just wish I could see the sun! At some point in the next couple of days this front will push through and our weather will be unseasonably cool and clear and sunny! I hope by that time that Dear Heart and Boomer Boy will be feeling better from the colds they have. And, I praying that I will be protected from catching the same bug that grabbed them!

Hope your perspective is sunny and bright!

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1 comment:

sailorcross said...

Hi Sandy!!

It's looked like that all day here. We saw the sun for about 5 minutes, and everyone said, "Look quick before you miss it!"

And tonight and tomorrow--freezing rain again!! That's all we've been getting lately--freezing rain and just a little snow.

But, we are keeping our perspective bright and sunny--regardless of the dreary weather!!
