Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Waiting & Watching!

She is hoping he will come to the door very soon!

Bella, our mean but beautiful kitty loves Boomer our son. She sits patiently at the front door waiting for him to return from class or work each day. Once he is home she follows him everywhere he goes. If he steps out to the backyard she perches on the stool and watches his every move. I wasn't quick enough to snap the picture of her kissing his face when he walked by in the door. She is totally devoted to her boy toy! It is one of the delights I experience all the time. Do you have these special moments in your day?

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Anonymous said...

That's our little soozie cat. She waits for our youngest all day long.

sailorcross said...

My Miles has just learned to "cat-walk" the railing at the top of my steps!! He walks back and forth along this 1 1/2 inch railing--just started last week.

And this week--he's been walking the railing waiting for me to come home!!

I guess that makes up for the Christmas project that I left for one minute and was carried off in his mouth--had to start that one over!!

I'll have to get a picture of him doing the 'cat-walk'.