Monday, February 16, 2009

A Nerd for Words!

Although my job as ministry support can be demanding, there are some great advantages to the many things I do! One of the things I love to do involves words. I love words! There are very few things that thrill me as much as a well turned phrase! So, when I get to throw myself into a word project and it just happens to put me in the middle of a Word (as in the Holy Scripts!), well, I am as happy as a pig in mud! Today was one of those days.

The word for 'workmanship' in Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them (NKJV)" is very interesting. The Greek word is 'poiema' (pronounced poh'-ay-mah). Our word 'poem' comes from this word. After a word study on 'poiema' I have to admit that I view myself from a differently. You will too if you think about it like this,...

"For I am His poem, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Did that make you stop and think?

It is very easy to take a cursory glance in the mirror and find fault with the person you see in the reflection, especially if we use the world's skewed standards to make that judgment. I am trying to view myself through a God-filtered lens and see myself as a unique creation from His hands. The Lord has gifted each of us with talents and abilities that will best reflect His glory. Shouldn't we be able to trust His design?

God's standard is the gold standard
and the world's standards are just dross! I want my 'poem' to be a sweet fragrance. Through Christ I pray that I will be refined and transformed inside and out so I am viewed as His 'poem'! I pray that Christ will do the same for you!

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