Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy 21st!

November 28, 1987

May 5, 1991

November 25, 2008

Twenty one years ago, very early in the morning, way out in the country, while Daddy was jogging, I called dear doctor to let him know I thought I was in labor. He gently told me that wasn't possible because my due date was 11 weeks away! Thirty minutes later, a 9-1-1 call was placed from our house with a cry for help because little Sam decided that 11 weeks wasn't too early to arrive! (Dear doctor received a call seconds after the 9-1-1 call was placed). Jogging Daddy heard the sirens in the distance and knew instinctively that there was trouble at our house! By God's grace and wisdom, I delivered little Sam!

When Dad walked in he found volunteer firemen and volunteer EMT's (brave IBM execs) assisting me in giving little Sam CPR. Lots of phone calls were made in a flurry of activity. Make shift oxygen tents were made from garbage bags...decisions were made. We were transported to the nearest hospital 15 minutes away even though they had nothing in the way of equipment to assist. In the meantime, dear doctor was making arrangements for us to be transported to a hospital in Dallas where delivery was scheduled to take place (on the due date).

The transport team arrived at the country hospital like super heros with the task of stablilizing little Sam (which took 8 hours). I was transported immediately to the big city hospital while Daddy stayed behind to pace while Sam was stablilized. It was a long day.

Sam was very sick. So, excited to be born, he tried to breathe with lungs that were not developed. Plus, he had all the other problems that preemies face. He weighed 3 pounds! Neonatal doctors were not encouraged at all once they examined little Sam. My doctor, a strong Christian, had activated the prayer chain at his church. My church's prayer chain was doing overtime. And, because my husband and I were both employed by a major airline, we had people all over the world praying for Sam. And, even though we gave them permission to harvest Sam's organs...we knew that Sam would beat the odds. The first 5 weeks were tough in NICU. And the first 3 years there were surgeries, but...

Here we are 21 years later. Sam is a very unique young man. Stauchly conservative, highly opinionated, well-read, brutally funny, student of history. He brightens every day. And, even though Daddy isn't here to see him and all he is becoming, I know that parts of him live on in Sam. He would be proud of the man he is becoming.

Happy Birthday Sam! May the Lord bless you like the mighty men of faith who have gone before you. May He give you: grace to lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us; endurance to run the race set before you; and eyes fixed on Jesus, who is the author and perfecter of our faith! Amen. (Hebrews 12:1) (Love Mommy)

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sailorcross said...

A beautiful tribute to your son!! What a terrifying experience and time for you!!

Sam was certainly in God's hands all those weeks and early years, and he certainly grew into a handsome young man!!

Happy Birthday, Sam!!


Knittin Kudzu said...

Beth, I wasn't terrified until later. When I look back on this time in our lives I can see God's fingerprints everywhere!

sailorcross said...

You go right ahead and use my post for your Bible study group. I've found that I have to be very careful about what I say to my children, and instead be an example to them.

They're not ready to hear God's Word literally spoken to them.

And thanks for your wonderful comment!! Really brightened my Monday morning!!

What 24 days to Christmas!! I need to take every day off work in order to complete what I planned on doing. What is that saying about the "best laid plans"?

Well, what is completed is what is completed, and I'm not going to drive myself crazy trying to do the rest. There's always next year or just surprised in between!!

Have a wonderful and blessed Monday!!
