Monday, December 01, 2008

Leaf Shower

These were images from the weekend! A front moved through that brought us some much needed rain and with it came wind! When you put rain and wind together during autumn the result is a leaf shower. I looked out to discover the leaves covering my van and the driveway. It was such a beautiful sight. I just wish my camera (an older digital model) would have captured the real essence of the falling leaves. About an hour after these pictures were taken I made a run to the grocery store and it took the round trip for all the leaves to blow off of my van. By mid-afternoon my van was covered once again. LOL!

I pray your Monday will be a blessed one!

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1 comment:

sailorcross said...

Oh--we had the same thing happen here!! And then we had ice yesterday, hail today!! And what happened? I didn't have my camera with me!! That's what happens when you don't have your camera with you at all times!!

A leaf shower--awesome and beautiful and messy--all at the same time!!
