Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Comforting Friend!

Sylvie the Rescue Kitty!

I cracked a filling! Not a bit of fun and one of the sure signs that I am aging! LOL! It isn't as though I was eating anything too hard, too sticky, or too gooey! Luckily the nice lady at the dentist office is working me in for a repair...one that I am sure will help finance the dentist's next trip to Italy!

I was distraught when I saw the piece of filling in my hand even though there was no pain involved. Before I could even grab the phone to make the call to the dentist, my sweet kitty, Sylvie was trying to curl up in my lap. She has stuck to me like glue. And, once she realized that I was calm, she settled down for a nap gently purring away. I am thankful for my sweet kitty friend. She is always good company. Do you have a special friend like Sylvie? Happy Tuesday!

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1 comment:

sailorcross said...

Oh--I just did that too--just a few weeks ago!! But, it's fixed now, and since then I've been back for my cleaning and then more repair work!! I think my dentist is planning a trip around the world!!

Your kitty is so cute, and she must be a nice companion, too.

I have Miles--we all know Miles, don't we? The yarn destroyer of all time? And then there is Scout--she is older and more calm. But, they are both good friends, and I'm truly glad I have both of them--even if Miles does goes trouble from time to time!!
